Caractères spéciaux Symboles Latin-1 Grec 'Symboles' Entités HTML
Table des Couleurs Nom des Couleurs Jeu de caractères ASCII

Table ASCII ( 0 - 127 )

       Décimal   Octal   Hex  Binaire   Caractère
       -------   -----   ---  --------    ------
         000      000    00   00000000      NUL    (Null char.)
         001      001    01   00000001      SOH    (Start of Header)
         002      002    02   00000010      STX    (Start of Text)
         003      003    03   00000011      ETX    (End of Text)
         004      004    04   00000100      EOT    (End of Transmission)
         005      005    05   00000101      ENQ    (Enquiry)
         006      006    06   00000110      ACK    (Acknowledgment)
         007      007    07   00000111      BEL    (Bell)
         008      010    08   00001000       BS    (Backspace)
         009      011    09   00001001       HT    (Horizontal Tab)
         010      012    0A   00001010       LF    (Line Feed)
         011      013    0B   00001011       VT    (Vertical Tab)
         012      014    0C   00001100       FF    (Form Feed)
         013      015    0D   00001101       CR    (Carriage Return)
         014      016    0E   00001110       SO    (Shift Out)
         015      017    0F   00001111       SI    (Shift In)
         016      020    10   00010000      DLE    (Data Link Escape)
         017      021    11   00010001      DC1    (XON)(Device Control 1)
         018      022    12   00010010      DC2    (Device Control 2)
         019      023    13   00010011      DC3    (XOFF)(Device Control 3)
         020      024    14   00010100      DC4    (Device Control 4)
         021      025    15   00010101      NAK    (Negative Acknowledgement)
         022      026    16   00010110      SYN    (Synchronous Idle)
         023      027    17   00010111      ETB    (End of Trans. Block)
         024      030    18   00011000      CAN    (Cancel)
         025      031    19   00011001       EM    (End of Medium)
         026      032    1A   00011010      SUB    (Substitute)
         027      033    1B   00011011      ESC    (Escape)
         028      034    1C   00011100       FS    (File Separator)
         029      035    1D   00011101       GS    (Group Separator)
         030      036    1E   00011110       RS    (Request to Send)(Record Separator)
         031      037    1F   00011111       US    (Unit Separator)
         032      040    20   00100000       SP    (Space)
         033      041    21   00100001        !    (exclamation mark)
         034      042    22   00100010        "    (double quote)
         035      043    23   00100011        #    (number sign)
         036      044    24   00100100        $    (dollar sign)
         037      045    25   00100101        %    (percent)
         038      046    26   00100110        &    (ampersand)
         039      047    27   00100111        '    (single quote)
         040      050    28   00101000        (    (left opening parenthesis)
         041      051    29   00101001        )    (right closing parenthesis)
         042      052    2A   00101010        *    (asterisk)
         043      053    2B   00101011        +    (plus)
         044      054    2C   00101100        ,    (comma)
         045      055    2D   00101101        -    (minus or dash)
         046      056    2E   00101110        .    (dot)
         047      057    2F   00101111        /    (forward slash)
         048      060    30   00110000        0
         049      061    31   00110001        1
         050      062    32   00110010        2
         051      063    33   00110011        3
         052      064    34   00110100        4
         053      065    35   00110101        5
         054      066    36   00110110        6
         055      067    37   00110111        7
         056      070    38   00111000        8
         057      071    39   00111001        9
         058      072    3A   00111010        :    (colon)
         059      073    3B   00111011        ;    (semi-colon)
         060      074    3C   00111100        <    (less than sign)
         061      075    3D   00111101        =    (equal sign)
         062      076    3E   00111110        >    (greater than sign)
         063      077    3F   00111111        ?    (question mark)
         064      100    40   01000000        @    (AT symbol)
         065      101    41   01000001        A
         066      102    42   01000010        B
         067      103    43   01000011        C
         068      104    44   01000100        D
         069      105    45   01000101        E
         070      106    46   01000110        F
         071      107    47   01000111        G
         072      110    48   01001000        H
         073      111    49   01001001        I
         074      112    4A   01001010        J
         075      113    4B   01001011        K
         076      114    4C   01001100        L
         077      115    4D   01001101        M
         078      116    4E   01001110        N
         079      117    4F   01001111        O
         080      120    50   01010000        P
         081      121    51   01010001        Q
         082      122    52   01010010        R
         083      123    53   01010011        S
         084      124    54   01010100        T
         085      125    55   01010101        U
         086      126    56   01010110        V
         087      127    57   01010111        W
         088      130    58   01011000        X
         089      131    59   01011001        Y
         090      132    5A   01011010        Z
         091      133    5B   01011011        [    (left opening bracket)
         092      134    5C   01011100        \    (back slash)
         093      135    5D   01011101        ]    (right closing bracket)
         094      136    5E   01011110        ^    (caret cirumflex)
         095      137    5F   01011111        _    (underscore)
         096      140    60   01100000        `
         097      141    61   01100001        a
         098      142    62   01100010        b
         099      143    63   01100011        c
         100      144    64   01100100        d
         101      145    65   01100101        e
         102      146    66   01100110        f
         103      147    67   01100111        g
         104      150    68   01101000        h
         105      151    69   01101001        i
         106      152    6A   01101010        j
         107      153    6B   01101011        k
         108      154    6C   01101100        l
         109      155    6D   01101101        m
         110      156    6E   01101110        n
         111      157    6F   01101111        o
         112      160    70   01110000        p
         113      161    71   01110001        q
         114      162    72   01110010        r
         115      163    73   01110011        s
         116      164    74   01110100        t
         117      165    75   01110101        u
         118      166    76   01110110        v
         119      167    77   01110111        w
         120      170    78   01111000        x
         121      171    79   01111001        y
         122      172    7A   01111010        z
         123      173    7B   01111011        {    (left opening brace)
         124      174    7C   01111100        |    (vertical bar)
         125      175    7D   01111101        }    (right closing brace)
         126      176    7E   01111110        ~    (tilde)
         127      177    7F   01111111      DEL    (delete)



Table ASCII des Caractères spéciaux et nombres

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name
space                                20   &#032; -->     &sp;       --> &sp;
exclamation mark               !     21   &#033; --> !   &excl;     --> &excl;
(double) quotation mark        "     22   &#034; --> "   &quot;     --> "
number sign                    #     23   &#035; --> #   &num;      --> &num;
dollar sign                    $     24   &#036; --> $   &dollar;   --> &dollar;
percent sign                   %     25   &#037; --> %   &percnt;   --> &percnt;
ampersand                      &     26   &#038; --> &   &amp;      --> &
apostrophe,                    '     27   &#039; --> '   &apos;     --> &apos;
   single quote mark
left parenthesis               (     28   &#040; --> (   &lpar;     --> &lpar;
right parenthesis              )     29   &#041; --> )   &rpar;     --> &rpar;
asterisk                       *     2A   &#042; --> *   &ast;      --> &ast;
plus sign                      +     2B   &#043; --> +   &plus;     --> &plus;
comma                          ,     2C   &#044; --> ,   &comma;    --> &comma;
minus sign, hyphen             -     2D   &#045; --> -   &hyphen;   --> &hyphen;
                                                         &minus;    --> −
period, decimal point,         .     2E   &#046; --> .   &period;   --> &period;
   full stop
slash, virgule, solidus        /     2F   &#047; --> /   &sol;      --> &sol;
digit 0                        0     30   &#048; --> 0
digit 1                        1     31   &#049; --> 1
digit 2                        2     32   &#050; --> 2
digit 3                        3     33   &#051; --> 3
digit 4                        4     34   &#052; --> 4
digit 5                        5     35   &#053; --> 5
digit 6                        6     36   &#054; --> 6
digit 7                        7     37   &#055; --> 7
digit 8                        8     38   &#056; --> 8
digit 9                        9     39   &#057; --> 9
colon                          :     3A   &#058; --> :   &colon;    --> &colon;
semicolon                      ;     3B   &#059; --> ;   &semi;     --> &semi;
less-than sign                 <     3C   &#060; --> <   &lt;       --> <
equal sign                     =     3D   &#061; --> =   &equals;   --> &equals;
greater-than sign              >     3E   &#062; --> >   &gt;       --> >
question mark                  ?     3F   &#063; --> ?   &quest;    --> &quest;

Table ASCII des Lettres capitales

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name
commercial at sign             @     40   &#064; --> @   &commat;   --> &commat;
capital A                      A     41   &#065; --> A
capital B                      B     42   &#066; --> B
capital C                      C     43   &#067; --> C
capital D                      D     44   &#068; --> D
capital E                      E     45   &#069; --> E
capital F                      F     46   &#070; --> F
capital G                      G     47   &#071; --> G
capital H                      H     48   &#072; --> H
capital I                      I     49   &#073; --> I
capital J                      J     4A   &#074; --> J
capital K                      K     4B   &#075; --> K
capital L                      L     4C   &#076; --> L
capital M                      M     4D   &#077; --> M
capital N                      N     4E   &#078; --> N
capital O                      O     4F   &#079; --> O
capital P                      P     50   &#080; --> P
capital Q                      Q     51   &#081; --> Q
capital R                      R     52   &#082; --> R
capital S                      S     53   &#083; --> S
capital T                      T     54   &#084; --> T
capital U                      U     55   &#085; --> U
capital V                      V     56   &#086; --> V
capital W                      W     57   &#087; --> W
capital X                      X     58   &#088; --> X
capital Y                      Y     59   &#089; --> Y
capital Z                      Z     5A   &#090; --> Z
left square bracket            [     5B   &#091; --> [   &lsqb;     --> &lsqb;
backslash, reverse solidus     \     5C   &#092; --> \   &bsol;     --> &bsol;
right square bracket           ]     5D   &#093; --> ]   &rsqb;     --> &rsqb;
spacing circumflex accent      ^     5E   &#094; --> ^   &circ;     --> ?
spacing underscore, low line,  _     5F   &#095; --> _   &lowbar;   --> &lowbar;
   horizontal bar                                        &horbar;   --> &horbar;

Table ASCII des lettres Bas de casse

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name
spacing grave accent,          `     60   &#096; --> `   &grave;    --> &grave;
   back apostrophe
small a                        a     61   &#097; --> a
small b                        b     62   &#098; --> b
small c                        c     63   &#099; --> c
small d                        d     64   &#100; --> d
small e                        e     65   &#101; --> e
small f                        f     66   &#102; --> f
small g                        g     67   &#103; --> g
small h                        h     68   &#104; --> h
small i                        i     69   &#105; --> i
small j                        j     6A   &#106; --> j
small k                        k     6B   &#107; --> k
small l                        l     6C   &#108; --> l
small m                        m     6D   &#109; --> m
small n                        n     6E   &#110; --> n
small o                        o     6F   &#111; --> o
small p                        p     70   &#112; --> p
small q                        q     71   &#113; --> q
small r                        r     72   &#114; --> r
small s                        s     73   &#115; --> s
small t                        t     74   &#116; --> t
small u                        u     75   &#117; --> u
small v                        v     76   &#118; --> v
small w                        w     77   &#119; --> w
small x                        x     78   &#120; --> x
small y                        y     79   &#121; --> y
small z                        z     7A   &#122; --> z
left brace (curly bracket)     {     7B   &#123; --> {   &lcub;     --> &lcub;
vertical bar                   |     7C   &#124; --> |   &verbar;   --> &verbar;
right brace (curly bracket)    }     7D   &#125; --> }   &rcub;     --> &rcub;
tilde accent                   ~     7E   &#126; --> ~   &tilde;    --> ?
delete                 DEL     ^?    7F   &#127;

Table Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 ( les caractères ajoutés sont en vert )

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name
                                     80   &#128;
                                     81   &#129;
low left rising single quote         82   &#130;         &lsquor;   --> &lsquor;
small italic f, function of,   f     83   &#131;         &fnof;     --> ?
low left rising double quote         84   &#132;         &ldquor;   --> &ldquor;
low horizontal ellipsis              85   &#133;         &hellip;   --> ?
                                                         &ldots;    --> &ldots;
dagger mark                          86   &#134;         &dagger;   --> ?
double dagger mark                   87   &#135;         &Dagger;   --> ?
letter modifying circumflex          88   &#136;         ¹
per thousand (mille) sign            89   &#137;         &permil;   --> ?
capital S caron or hacek             8A   &#138;         &Scaron;   --> ?
left single angle quote mark         8B   &#139;         &lsaquo;   --> ?
capital OE ligature                  8C   &#140;         &OElig;    --> ?
                                     8D   &#141;
                                     8E   &#142;
                                     8F   &#143;
                                     90   &#144;
left single quotation mark,          91   &#145;         &lsquo;    --> ?
   high right rising single quote                        &rsquor;   --> &rsquor;
right single quote mark              92   &#146;         &rsquo;    --> ’
left double quotation mark,          93   &#147;         &ldquo;    --> ?
   high right rising double quote                        &rdquor;   --> &rdquor;
right double quote mark              94   &#148;         &rdquo;    --> ?
round filled bullet                  95   &#149;         &bull;     --> ?
en dash                              96   &#150;         &ndash;    --> ?
                                                         &endash;   --> &endash;
em dash                              97   &#151;         &mdash;    --> ?
                                                         &emdash;   --> &emdash;
small spacing tilde accent           98   &#152;         &tilde;¹
trademark sign                       99   &#153;         &trade;    --> ?
small s caron or hacek               9A   &#154;         &scaron;   --> ?
right single angle quote mark        9B   &#155;         &rsaquo;   --> ?
small oe ligature                    9C   &#156;         &oelig;    --> ?
                                     9D   &#157;
                                     9E   &#158;
capital Y dieresis or umlaut         9F   &#159;         &Yuml;     --> ?


Table ASCII - ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) Entités

Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name
non-breaking space                   A0   &#160; -->     &nbsp;     -->  
inverted exclamation mark      ¡     A1   &#161; --> ¡   &iexcl;    --> ¡
cent sign                      ¢     A2   &#162; --> ¢   &cent;     --> ¢
pound sterling sign            £     A3   &#163; --> £   &pound;    --> £
general currency sign          ¤     A4   &#164; --> ¤   &curren;   --> ¤
yen sign                       ¥     A5   &#165; --> ¥   &yen;      --> ¥
broken vertical bar            ¦     A6   &#166; --> ¦   &brvbar;   --> ¦
                                                         &brkbar;   --> &brkbar;
section sign                   §     A7   &#167; --> §   &sect;     --> §
spacing dieresis or umlaut     ¨     A8   &#168; --> ¨   &uml;      --> ¨
                                                         &die;      --> &die;
copyright sign                 ©     A9   &#169; --> ©   &copy;     --> ©
feminine ordinal indicator     ª     AA   &#170; --> ª   &ordf;     --> ª
left (double) angle quote      «     AB   &#171; --> «   &laquo;    --> «
logical not sign               ¬     AC   &#172; --> ¬   &not;      --> ¬
soft hyphen                    ­     AD   &#173; --> ­   &shy;      --> ­
registered trademark sign      ®     AE   &#174; --> ®   &reg;      --> ®
spacing macron (long) accent,  ¯     AF   &#175; --> ¯   &macr;     --> ¯
                                                         &hibar;    --> &hibar;
degree sign                    °     B0   &#176; --> °   &deg;      --> °
plus-or-minus sign             ±     B1   &#177; --> ±   &plusmn;   --> ±
superscript 2                  ²     B2   &#178; --> ²   &sup2;     --> ²
superscript 3                  ³     B3   &#179; --> ³   &sup3;     --> ³
spacing acute accent           ´     B4   &#180; --> ´   &acute;    --> ´
micro sign                     µ     B5   &#181; --> µ   &micro;    --> µ
paragraph sign, pilcrow sign   ¶     B6   &#182; --> ¶   &para;     --> ¶
middle dot, centered dot       ·     B7   &#183; --> ·   &middot;   --> ·
spacing cedilla                ¸     B8   &#184; --> ¸   &cedil;    --> ¸
superscript 1                  ¹     B9   &#185; --> ¹   &sup1;     --> ¹
masculine ordinal indicator    º     BA   &#186; --> º   &ordm;     --> º
right (double) angle quote     »     BB   &#187; --> »   &raquo;    --> »
fraction 1/4                   ¼     BC   &#188; --> ¼   &frac14;   --> ¼
fraction 1/2                   ½     BD   &#189; --> ½   &frac12;   --> ½
                                                         &half;     --> &half;
fraction 3/4                   ¾     BE   &#190; --> ¾   &frac34;   --> ¾
inverted question mark         ¿     BF   &#191; --> ¿   &iquest;   --> ¿

Table des Lettres capitales accentuées Latin-1

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name
capital A grave                À     C0   &#192; --> À   &Agrave;   --> À
capital A acute                Á     C1   &#193; --> Á   &Aacute;   --> Á
capital A circumflex           Â     C2   &#194; --> Â   &Acirc;    --> Â
capital A tilde                Ã     C3   &#195; --> Ã   &Atilde;   --> Ã
capital A dieresis or umlaut   Ä     C4   &#196; --> Ä   &Auml;     --> Ä
capital A ring                 Å     C5   &#197; --> Å   &Aring;    --> Å
capital AE ligature            Æ     C6   &#198; --> Æ   &AElig;    --> Æ
capital C cedilla              Ç     C7   &#199; --> Ç   &Ccedil;   --> Ç
capital E grave                È     C8   &#200; --> È   &Egrave;   --> È
capital E acute                É     C9   &#201; --> É   &Eacute;   --> É
capital E circumflex           Ê     CA   &#202; --> Ê   &Ecirc;    --> Ê
capital E dieresis or umlaut   Ë     CB   &#203; --> Ë   &Euml;     --> Ë
capital I grave                Ì     CC   &#204; --> Ì   &Igrave;   --> Ì
capital I acute                Í     CD   &#205; --> Í   &Iacute;   --> Í
capital I circumflex           Î     CE   &#206; --> Î   &Icirc;    --> Î
capital I dieresis or umlaut   Ï     CF   &#207; --> Ï   &Iuml;     --> Ï
capital ETH                    Ð     D0   &#208; --> Ð   &ETH;      --> Ð
capital N tilde                Ñ     D1   &#209; --> Ñ   &Ntilde;   --> Ñ
capital O grave                Ò     D2   &#210; --> Ò   &Ograve;   --> Ò
capital O acute                Ó     D3   &#211; --> Ó   &Oacute;   --> Ó
capital O circumflex           Ô     D4   &#212; --> Ô   &Ocirc;    --> Ô
capital O tilde                Õ     D5   &#213; --> Õ   &Otilde;   --> Õ
capital O dieresis or umlaut   Ö     D6   &#214; --> Ö   &Ouml;     --> Ö
multiplication sign            ×     D7   &#215; --> ×   &times;    --> ×
capital O slash                Ø     D8   &#216; --> Ø   &Oslash;   --> Ø
capital U grave                Ù     D9   &#217; --> Ù   &Ugrave;   --> Ù
capital U acute                Ú     DA   &#218; --> Ú   &Uacute;   --> Ú
capital U circumflex           Û     DB   &#219; --> Û   &Ucirc;    --> Û
capital U dieresis or umlaut   Ü     DC   &#220; --> Ü   &Uuml;     --> Ü
capital Y acute                Ý     DD   &#221; --> Ý   &Yacute;   --> Ý
capital THORN                  Þ     DE   &#222; --> Þ   &THORN;    --> Þ
small sharp s, sz ligature     ß     DF   &#223; --> ß   &szlig;    --> ß

Table des lettres Bas de casse accentuées Latin-1

Description                    Char  Hex  Character      Entity
                                          Reference      Name
small a grave                  à     E0   &#224; --> à   &agrave;   --> à
small a acute                  á     E1   &#225; --> á   &aacute;   --> á
small a circumflex             â     E2   &#226; --> â   &acirc;    --> â
small a tilde                  ã     E3   &#227; --> ã   &atilde;   --> ã
small a dieresis or umlaut     ä     E4   &#228; --> ä   &auml;     --> ä
small a ring                   å     E5   &#229; --> å   &aring;    --> å
small ae ligature              æ     E6   &#230; --> æ   &aelig;    --> æ
small c cedilla                ç     E7   &#231; --> ç   &ccedil;   --> ç
small e grave                  è     E8   &#232; --> è   &egrave;   --> è
small e acute                  é     E9   &#233; --> é   &eacute;   --> é
small e circumflex             ê     EA   &#234; --> ê   &ecirc;    --> ê
small e dieresis or umlaut     ë     EB   &#235; --> ë   &euml;     --> ë
small i grave                  ì     EC   &#236; --> ì   &igrave;   --> ì
small i acute                  í     ED   &#237; --> í   &iacute;   --> í
small i circumflex             î     EE   &#238; --> î   &icirc;    --> î
small i dieresis or umlaut     ï     EF   &#239; --> ï   &iuml;     --> ï
small eth                      ð     F0   &#240; --> ð   &eth;      --> ð
small n tilde                  ñ     F1   &#241; --> ñ   &ntilde;   --> ñ
small o grave                  ò     F2   &#242; --> ò   &ograve;   --> ò
small o acute                  ó     F3   &#243; --> ó   &oacute;   --> ó
small o circumflex             ô     F4   &#244; --> ô   &ocirc;    --> ô
small o tilde                  õ     F5   &#245; --> õ   &otilde;   --> õ
small o dieresis or umlaut     ö     F6   &#246; --> ö   &ouml;     --> ö
division sign                  ÷     F7   &#247; --> ÷   &divide;   --> ÷
small o slash                  ø     F8   &#248; --> ø   &oslash;   --> ø
small u grave                  ù     F9   &#249; --> ù   &ugrave;   --> ù
small u acute                  ú     FA   &#250; --> ú   &uacute;   --> ú
small u circumflex             û     FB   &#251; --> û   &ucirc;    --> û
small u dieresis or umlaut     ü     FC   &#252; --> ü   &uuml;     --> ü
small y acute                  ý     FD   &#253; --> ý   &yacute;   --> ý
small thorn                    þ     FE   &#254; --> þ   &thorn;    --> þ
small y dieresis or umlaut     ÿ     FF   &#255; --> ÿ   &yuml;     --> ÿ

Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity
for all                              22                  &forall;   --> ∀
there exists                         24                  &exist;    --> ∃
backward epsilon, such that          27                  &bepsi;    --> &bepsi;
low asterisk math operator           2A                     --> ∗


Table des lettres capitales - Alphabet Grec

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity
congruent                            40                  &cong;     --> ≅
capital Alpha²                 A     41                  &Agr;      --> &Agr;
                                                         &Alpha;    --> Α
capital Beta²                  B     42                  &B&lowast;gr;--> &Bgr;
                                                         &Beta;     --> Β
capital Chi                    X     43                  &KHgr;     --> &KHgr;
                                                         &Chi;      --> Χ
capital Delta                        44                  &Delta;    --> Δ
capital Epsilon²               E     45                  &Egr;      --> &Egr;
                                                         &Epsilon;  --> Ε
                                                         &Epsi;     --> &Epsi;
capital Phi                          46                  &PHgr;     --> &PHgr;
                                                         &Phi;      --> Φ
capital Gamma                        47                  &Gamma;    --> Γ
capital Eta²                   H     48                  &EEgr;     --> &EEgr;
                                                         &Eta;      --> Η
capital Iota²                  I     49                  &Igr;      --> &Igr;
                                                         &Iota;     --> Ι
small script theta,                  4A                  &thetav;   --> &thetav;
   curly theta                                           &vtheta;   --> &vtheta;
capital Kappa²                 K     4B                  &Kgr;      --> &Kgr;
                                                         &Kappa;    --> Κ
capital Lambda                       4C                  &Lambda;   --> Λ
capital Mu²                    M     4D                  &Mgr;      --> &Mgr;
                                                         &Mu;       --> Μ
capital Nu²                    N     4E                  &Ngr;      --> &Ngr;
                                                         &Nu;       --> Ν
capital Omicron²               O     4F                  &Ogr;      --> &Ogr;
                                                         &Omicron;  --> Ο
capital Pi                           50                  &Pi;       --> Π
capital Theta                        51                  &Theta;    --> Θ
capital Rho                    P     52                  &Rgr;      --> &Rgr;
                                                         &Rho;      --> Ρ
capital Sigma                        53                  &Sigma;    --> Σ
capital Tau²                   T     54                  &Tgr;      --> &Tgr;
                                                         &Tau;      --> Τ
capital Upsilon                Y     55                  &Upsi;     --> &Upsi;
                                                         &Upsilon;  --> Υ
small final sigma                    56                  &sfgr;     --> &sfgr;
                                                         &sigmav;   --> &sigmav;
                                                         &vsigma;   --> &vsigma;
capital Omega, ohm sign              57                  &Omega;    --> Ω
                                                         &ohm;      --> &ohm;
capital Xi                           58                  &Xi;       --> Ξ
capital Psi                          59                  &Psi;      --> Ψ
capital Zeta²                  Z     5A                  &Zgr;      --> &Zgr;
                                                         &Zeta;     --> Ζ
therefore, hence                     5C                  &there4;   --> ∴
perpendicular                        5E                  &perp;     --> ⊥

Table des lettres Bas de casse Alphabet Grec

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity
radical extension,                   60                  ¹
   spacing overscore
small alpha                          61                  &alpha;    --> α
small beta                           62                  &beta;     --> β
small chi                            63                  &chi;      --> χ
small delta                          64                  &delta;    --> δ
small script epsilon,                65                  &vepsilon; --> &vepsilon;
   curly epsilon
small (straight) phi                 66                  &phis;     --> &phis;
                                                         &phi;      --> φ
small gamma                          67                  &gamma;    --> γ
small eta                            68                  &eta;      --> η
small iota                           69                  &iota;     --> ι
small script phi, curly phi          6A                  &phiv;     --> &phiv;
                                                         &varphi;   --> &varphi;
small kappa                          6B                  &kappa;    --> κ
small lambda                         6C                  &lambda;   --> λ
small mu                       µ     6D                         --> μ
small nu                             6E                  &nu;       --> ν
small omicron²                 o     6F                  &ogr;      --> &ogr;
                                                         &omicron;  --> ο
small pi                             70                  &pi;       --> π
small (straight) theta               71                  &thetas;   --> &thetas;
                                                         &theta;    --> θ
small rho                            72                  &rho;      --> ρ
small sigma                          73                  &sigma;    --> σ
small tau                            74                  &tau;      --> τ
small upsilon                        75                  &upsi;     --> &upsi;
                                                         &upsilon;  --> υ
small omega pi, curly pi             76                  &piv;      --> ϖ
                                                         &var&mu;pi;--> &varpi;
small omega                          77                  &omega;    --> ω
small xi                             78                  &xi;       --> ξ
small psi                            79                  &psi;      --> ψ
small zeta                           7A                  &zeta;     --> ζ
similar sign, tilde operator         7E                  &sim;      --> ∼


Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity
capital Upsilon hook                 A1                  ¹
prime, minute mark                   A2                  &prime;    --> ′
less-than-or-equal sign              A3                  &le;       --> ≤
fraction slash                       A4                  ¹
infinity                             A5                  &infin;    --> ∞
                                                         &inf;      --> &inf;
small italic f,function of,florin    A6                  &fnof;     --> ?
club suit symbol                     A7                  &clubs;    --> ♣
diamond suit symbol                  A8                  &diams;    --> ♦
heart suit symbol                    A9                  &hearts;   --> ♥
spade suit symbol                    AA                  &spades;   --> ♠
horizontal (left-right) arrow        AB                  &harr;     --> ↔
left arrow                           AC                  &larr;     --> ←
up arrow                             AD                  &uarr;     --> ↑
right arrow                          AE                  &rarr;     --> →
down arrow                           AF                  &darr;     --> ↓
double prime, second mark            B2                  &Prime;    --> ″
greater-than-or-equal sign           B3                  &ge;       --> ≥
proportional to                      B5                  &prop;     --> ∝
partial differential, curly d        B6                  &part;     --> ∂
                                                         &pd;       --> &pd;
round filled bullet                  B7                  &bull;     --> ?
not-equal sign                       B9                  &ne;       --> ≠
identical to, equivalent             BA                  &equiv;    --> ≡
approximately equal                  BB                  &ape;      --> &ape;
                                                         &ap;       --> &ap;
low horizontal ellipsis              BC                  &hellip;   --> ?
                                                         &ldots;    --> &ldots;
vertical arrow extension             BD                  ¹
horizontal arrow extension           BE                  ¹
down and left arrow,                 BF                  ¹
   carriage return arrow

Table des Caractères spéciaux ISO 8879 (Adobe Symbol Font) Entités

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity
aleph, first transfinite cardinal    C0                  &aleph;    --> &aleph;
black-letter I,imaginary part of     C1                  &image;    --> ℑ
black-letter R,real part of          C2                  &real;     --> ℜ
Weierstrassian function p            C3                  &weierp;   --> ℘
circled multiplication sign          C4                  &otimes;   --> ⊗
circled plus sign                    C5                  &oplus;    --> ⊕
empty set                            C6                  &empty;    --> ∅
set intersection                     C7                  &cap;      --> ∩
set union                            C8                  &cup;      --> ∪
proper superset of                   C9                  &sup;      --> ⊃
superset-of-or-equal-to              CA                  &supe;     --> ⊇
not a subset of                      CB                  &nsub;     --> ⊄
proper subset of                     CC                  &sub;      --> ⊂
subset-of-or-equal-to                CD                  &sube;     --> ⊆
element of, set membership           CE                  &isin;     --> ∈
not an element of                    CF                  &notin;    --> ∉
angle                                D0                  &ang;      --> ∠
del operator, gradient, nabla        D1                  &nabla;    --> ∇
trademark sign                       D4                  &trade;    --> ?
n-ary product operator               D5                  &prod;     --> ∏
radical, square root                 D6                  &radic;    --> √
small middle dot,math dot operator   D7                  &sdot;     --> ⋅
logical and                          D9                  &and;      --> ∧
logical or                           DA                  &or;       --> ∨
horizontal double arrow              DB                  &hArr;     --> ⇔
left double arrow                    DC                  &lArr;     --> ⇐
up double arrow                      DD                  &uArr;     --> ⇑
right double arrow                   DE                  &rArr;     --> ⇒
down double arrow                    DF                  &dArr;     --> ⇓

Table des Caractères spéciaux

Description                    Char  Hex                 Entity
lozenge, total mark                  E0                  &loz;      --> ◊
left angle bracket                   E1                  &lang;     --> 〈
n-ary summation operator             E5                  &sum;      --> ∑
left parenthesis top                 E6                  ¹
left parenthesis extension           E7                  ¹
left parenthesis bottom              E8                  ¹
left bracket top (ceiling)           E9                  &lceil;    --> ⌈
left bracket extension               EA                  ¹
left bracket bottom (floor)          EB                  &lfloor;   --> ⌊
left brace top                       EC                  ¹
left brace middle                    ED                  ¹
left brace bottom                    EE                  ¹
brace extension                      EF                  ¹
right angle bracket                  F1                  &rang;     --> 〉
integral sign                        F2                  &int;      --> ∫
integral top                         F3                  ¹
integral extension                   F4                  ¹
integral bottom                      F5                  ¹
right parenthesis top                F6                  ¹
right parenthesis extension          F7                  ¹
right parenthesis bottom             F8                  ¹
right bracket top (ceiling)          F9                  &rceil;    --> ⌉
right bracket extension              FA                  ¹
right bracket bottom (floor)         FB                  &rfloor;   --> ⌋
right brace top                      FC                  ¹
right brace middle                   FD                  ¹
right brace bottom                   FE                  ¹


Table des Entités HTML

Description                    Char                      Entity
spacing breve (short) accent                             &breve;    --> &breve;
spacing caron accent                                     &caron;    --> &caron;
centered horizontal ellipsis                             &cdots;    --> &cdots;
double acute accent                                      &dblac;    --> &dblac;
diagonal ellipsis                                        &dellip;   --> &dellip;
                                                         &ddots;    --> &ddots;
spacing dot above accent                                 &dot;      --> &dot;
array column fill ellipsis                               &dotfill;  --> &dotfill;
small script l                                           &ell;      --> &ell;
em space (the width of an "m")                           &emsp;     -->  
en space (1/2 em space)                                  &ensp;     -->  
small (straight) epsilon                                 &epsi;     --> &epsi;
                                                         &epsilon;  --> ε
fraction 1/8                                             &frac18;   --> &frac18;
fraction 3/8                                             &frac38;   --> &frac38;
fraction 5/8                                             &frac58;   --> &frac58;
fraction 7/8                                             &frac78;   --> &frac78;
hair width space                                         &hairsp;   --> &hairsp;
if and only if (iff)                                     &iff;      --> &iff;
left determinant vertical bar                            &ldet;     --> &ldet;
contains as a member                                     &ni;       --> ∋
spacing ogonek accent                                    &ogon;     --> &ogon;
Planck's constant h over 2 pi,                           &planck;   --> &planck;
   small italic h slash (bar)
quad em space                                            &quad;     --> &quad;
right determinant vertical bar                           &rdet;     --> &rdet;
spacing ring above accent                                &ring;     --> &ring;
soft break space                                         &sbsp;     --> &sbsp;
since, because                                           &becaus;   --> &becaus;
(inverted therefore) sung text sign, music note          &sung;     --> &sung;
thin space (1/6 em space)                                &thinsp;   -->  
small rho variant                                        &varrho; --> &varrho;
vertical ellipsis                                        &vellip;   --> &vellip;
vertical elipsis also                                    &vdots;    --> &vdots;

Table des Fonctions mathématiques

Description                    String                    Entity
logarithmic function           log                       &log;      --> &log;
sine function                  sin                       &sin;      --> &sin;
hyperbolic tangent function    tanh                      &tanh;     --> &tanh;



Table des Couleurs : Safe (html) : Table hexadécimale

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Nom des couleurs

Nom de la couleur Hex exemple
black 000000           
grey bebebe           
dimGrey 696969           
LightGray d3d3d3           
LightSlateGrey 778899           
SlateGray 708090           
SlateGray1 c6e2ff           
SlateGray2 b9d3ee           
SlateGray3 9fb6cd           
SlateGray4 6c7b8b           
SlateGrey 708090           
grey0 000000           
grey1 030303           
grey2 050505           
grey3 080808           
grey4 0a0a0a           
grey5 0d0d0d           
grey6 0f0f0f           
grey7 121212           
grey8 141414           
grey9 171717           
grey10 1a1a1a           
grey11 1c1c1c           
grey12 1f1f1f           
grey13 212121           
grey14 242424           
grey15 262626           
grey16 292929           
grey17 2b2b2b           
grey18 2e2e2e           
grey19 303030           
grey20 333333           
grey21 363636           
grey22 383838           
grey23 3b3b3b           
grey24 3d3d3d           
grey25 404040           
grey26 424242           
grey27 454545           
grey28 474747           
grey29 4a4a4a           
grey30 4d4d4d           
grey31 4f4f4f           
grey32 525252           
grey33 545454           
grey34 575757           
grey35 595959           
grey36 5c5c5c           
grey37 5e5e5e           
grey38 616161           
grey39 636363           
grey40 666666           
grey41 696969           
grey42 6b6b6b           
grey43 6e6e6e           
grey44 707070           
grey45 737373           
grey46 757575           
grey47 787878           
grey48 7a7a7a           
grey49 7d7d7d           
grey50 7f7f7f           
grey51 828282           
grey52 858585           
grey53 878787           
grey54 8a8a8a           
grey55 8c8c8c           
grey56 8f8f8f           
grey57 919191           
grey58 949494           
grey59 969696           
grey60 999999           
grey61 9c9c9c           
grey62 9e9e9e           
grey63 a1a1a1           
grey64 a3a3a3           
grey65 a6a6a6           
grey66 a8a8a8           
grey67 ababab           
grey68 adadad           
grey69 b0b0b0           
grey70 b3b3b3           
grey71 b5b5b5           
grey72 b8b8b8           
grey73 bababa           
grey74 bdbdbd           
grey75 bfbfbf           
grey76 c2c2c2           
grey77 c4c4c4           
grey78 c7c7c7           
grey79 c9c9c9           
grey80 cccccc           
grey81 cfcfcf           
grey82 d1d1d1           
grey83 d4d4d4           
grey84 d6d6d6           
grey85 d9d9d9           
grey86 dbdbdb           
grey87 dedede           
grey88 e0e0e0           
grey89 e3e3e3           
grey90 e5e5e5           
grey91 e8e8e8           
grey92 ebebeb           
grey93 ededed           
grey94 f0f0f0           
grey95 f2f2f2           
grey96 f5f5f5           
grey97 f7f7f7           
grey98 fafafa           
grey99 fcfcfc           
grey100 ffffff           
aliceblue f0f8ff           
blueViolet 8a2be2           
cadetblue 5f9ea0           
cadetblue1 98f5ff           
cadetblue2 8ee5ee           
cadetblue3 7ac5cd           
cadetblue4 53868b           
cornflowerblue 6495ed           
darkSlateblue 483d8b           
darkTurquoise 00ced1           
deepSkyblue 00bfff           
deepSkyblue1 00bfff           
deepSkyblue2 00b2ee           
deepSkyblue3 009acd           
deepSkyblue4 00688b           
dodgerblue 1e90ff           
dodgerblue1 1e90ff           
dodgerblue2 1c86ee           
dodgerblue3 1874cd           
dodgerblue4 104e8b           
Lightblue add8e6           
Lightblue1 bfefff           
Lightblue2 b2dfee           
Lightblue3 9ac0cd           
Lightblue4 68838b           
Lightcyan e0ffff           
Lightcyan1 e0ffff           
Lightcyan2 d1eeee           
Lightcyan3 b4cdcd           
Lightcyan4 7a8b8b           
LightSkyblue 87cefa           
LightSkyblue1 b0e2ff           
LightSkyblue2 a4d3ee           
LightSkyblue3 8db6cd           
LightSkyblue4 607b8b           
LightSlateblue 8470ff           
LightSteelblue b0c4de           
LightSteelblue1 cae1ff           
LightSteelblue2 bcd2ee           
LightSteelblue3 a2b5cd           
LightSteelblue4 6e7b8b           
Mediumaquamarine 66cdaa           
Mediumblue 0000cd           
MediumSlateblue 7b68ee           
MediumTurquoise 48d1cc           
Midnightblue 191970           
Navyblue 000080           
PaleTurquoise afeeee           
PaleTurquoise1 bbffff           
PaleTurquoise2 aeeeee           
PaleTurquoise3 96cdcd           
PaleTurquoise4 668b8b           
Powderblue b0e0e6           
Royalblue 4169e1           
Royalblue1 4876ff           
Royalblue2 436eee           
Royalblue3 3a5fcd           
Royalblue4 27408b           
Royalblue5 002266           
Skyblue 87ceeb           
Skyblue1 87ceff           
Skyblue2 7ec0ee           
Skyblue3 6ca6cd           
Skyblue4 4a708b           
Slateblue 6a5acd           
Slateblue1 836fff           
Slateblue2 7a67ee           
Slateblue3 6959cd           
Slateblue4 473c8b           
Steelblue 4682b4           
Steelblue1 63b8ff           
Steelblue2 5cacee           
Steelblue3 4f94cd           
Steelblue4 36648b           
aquamarine 7fffd4           
aquamarine1 7fffd4           
aquamarine2 76eec6           
aquamarine3 66cdaa           
aquamarine4 458b74           
azure f0ffff           
azure1 f0ffff           
azure2 e0eeee           
azure3 c1cdcd           
azure4 838b8b           
blue 0000ff           
blue1 0000ff           
blue2 0000ee           
blue3 0000cd           
blue4 00008b           
cyan 00ffff           
cyan1 00ffff           
cyan2 00eeee           
cyan3 00cdcd           
cyan4 008b8b           
navy 000080           
turquoise 40e0d0           
turquoise1 00f5ff           
turquoise2 00e5ee           
turquoise3 00c5cd           
turquoise4 00868b           
darkSlateGray 2f4f4f           
darkSlateGray1 97ffff           
darkSlateGray2 8deeee           
darkSlateGray3 79cdcd           
darkSlateGray4 528b8b           
Rosybrown bc8f8f           
Rosybrown1 ffc1c1           
Rosybrown2 eeb4b4           
Rosybrown3 cd9b9b           
Rosybrown4 8b6969           
Saddlebrown 8b4513           
Sandybrown f4a460           
beige f5f5dc           
brown a52a2a           
brown1 ff4040           
brown2 ee3b3b           
brown3 cd3333           
brown4 8b2323           
burlywood deb887           
burlywood1 ffd39b           
burlywood2 eec591           
burlywood3 cdaa7d           
burlywood4 8b7355           
chocolate d2691e           
chocolate1 ff7f24           
chocolate2 ee7621           
chocolate3 cd661d           
chocolate4 8b4513           
peru cd853f           
tan d2b48c           
tan1 ffa54f           
tan2 ee9a49           
tan3 cd853f           
tan4 8b5a2b           
darkGreen 006400           
darkKhaki bdb76b           
darkOliveGreen 556b2f           
darkOliveGreen1 caff70           
darkOliveGreen2 bcee68           
darkOliveGreen3 a2cd5a           
darkOliveGreen4 6e8b3d           
darkSeaGreen 8fbc8f           
darkSeaGreen1 c1ffc1           
darkSeaGreen2 b4eeb4           
darkSeaGreen3 9bcd9b           
darkSeaGreen4 698b69           
forestGreen 228b22           
GreenYellow adff2f           
LawnGreen 7cfc00           
LightSeaGreen 20b2aa           
LimeGreen 32cd32           
MediumSeaGreen 3cb371           
MediumSpringGreen 00fa9a           
Mintcream f5fffa           
Olivedrab 6b8e23           
Olivedrab1 c0ff3e           
Olivedrab2 b3ee3a           
Olivedrab3 9acd32           
Olivedrab4 698b22           
PaleGreen 98fb98           
PaleGreen1 9aff9a           
PaleGreen2 90ee90           
PaleGreen3 7ccd7c           
PaleGreen4 548b54           
SeaGreen 2e8b57           
SeaGreen1 54ff9f           
SeaGreen2 4eee94           
SeaGreen3 43cd80           
SeaGreen4 2e8b57           
SpringGreen 00ff7f           
SpringGreen1 00ff7f           
SpringGreen2 00ee76           
SpringGreen3 00cd66           
SpringGreen4 008b45           
YellowGreen 9acd32           
chartreuse 7fff00           
chartreuse1 7fff00           
chartreuse2 76ee00           
chartreuse3 66cd00           
chartreuse4 458b00           
green 00ff00           
green1 00ff00           
green2 00ee00           
green3 00cd00           
green4 008b00           
khaki f0e68c           
khaki1 fff68f           
khaki2 eee685           
khaki3 cdc673           
khaki4 8b864e           
darkOrange ff8c00           
darkOrange1 ff7f00           
darkOrange2 ee7600           
darkOrange3 cd6600           
darkOrange4 8b4500           
darkSalmon e9967a           
Lightcoral f08080           
LightSalmon ffa07a           
LightSalmon1 ffa07a           
LightSalmon2 ee9572           
LightSalmon3 cd8162           
LightSalmon4 8b5742           
PeachPuff ffdab9           
PeachPuff1 ffdab9           
PeachPuff2 eecbad           
PeachPuff3 cdaf95           
PeachPuff4 8b7765           
bisque ffe4c4           
bisque1 ffe4c4           
bisque2 eed5b7           
bisque3 cdb79e           
bisque4 8b7d6b           
coral ff7f50           
coral1 ff7256           
coral2 ee6a50           
coral3 cd5b45           
coral4 8b3e2f           
honeydew f0fff0           
honeydew1 f0fff0           
honeydew2 e0eee0           
honeydew3 c1cdc1           
honeydew4 838b83           
orange ffa500           
orange1 ffa500           
orange2 ee9a00           
orange3 cd8500           
orange4 8b5a00           
salmon fa8072           
salmon1 ff8c69           
salmon2 ee8262           
salmon3 cd7054           
salmon4 8b4c39           
sienna a0522d           
sienna1 ff8247           
sienna2 ee7942           
sienna3 cd6839           
sienna4 8b4726           
deepPink ff1493           
deepPink1 ff1493           
deepPink2 ee1289           
deepPink3 cd1076           
deepPink4 8b0a50           
HotPink ff69b4           
HotPink1 ff6eb4           
HotPink2 ee6aa7           
HotPink3 cd6090           
HotPink4 8b3a62           
IndianRed cd5c5c           
IndianRed1 ff6a6a           
IndianRed2 ee6363           
IndianRed3 cd5555           
IndianRed4 8b3a3a           
LightPink ffb6c1           
LightPink1 ffaeb9           
LightPink2 eea2ad           
LightPink3 cd8c95           
LightPink4 8b5f65           
MediumVioletRed c71585           
MistyRose ffe4e1           
MistyRose1 ffe4e1           
MistyRose2 eed5d2           
MistyRose3 cdb7b5           
MistyRose4 8b7d7b           
OrangeRed ff4500           
OrangeRed1 ff4500           
OrangeRed2 ee4000           
OrangeRed3 cd3700           
OrangeRed4 8b2500           
PaleVioletRed db7093           
PaleVioletRed1 ff82ab           
PaleVioletRed2 ee799f           
PaleVioletRed3 cd6889           
PaleVioletRed4 8b475d           
VioletRed d02090           
VioletRed1 ff3e96           
VioletRed2 ee3a8c           
VioletRed3 cd3278           
VioletRed4 8b2252           
firebrick b22222           
firebrick1 ff3030           
firebrick2 ee2c2c           
firebrick3 cd2626           
firebrick4 8b1a1a           
pink ffc0cb           
pink1 ffb5c5           
pink2 eea9b8           
pink3 cd919e           
pink4 8b636c           
red ff0000           
red1 ff0000           
red2 ee0000           
red3 cd0000           
red4 8b0000           
tomato ff6347           
tomato1 ff6347           
tomato2 ee5c42           
tomato3 cd4f39           
tomato4 8b3626           
darkOrchid 9932cc           
darkOrchid1 bf3eff           
darkOrchid2 b23aee           
darkOrchid3 9a32cd           
darkOrchid4 68228b           
darkViolet 9400d3           
Lavenderblush fff0f5           
Lavenderblush1 fff0f5           
Lavenderblush2 eee0e5           
Lavenderblush3 cdc1c5           
Lavenderblush4 8b8386           
MediumOrchid ba55d3           
MediumOrchid1 e066ff           
MediumOrchid2 d15fee           
MediumOrchid3 b452cd           
MediumOrchid4 7a378b           
MediumPurple 9370db           
MediumPurple1 ab82ff           
MediumPurple2 9f79ee           
MediumPurple3 8968cd           
MediumPurple4 5d478b           
lavender e6e6fa           
magenta ff00ff           
magenta1 ff00ff           
magenta2 ee00ee           
magenta3 cd00cd           
magenta4 8b008b           
maroon b03060           
maroon1 ff34b3           
maroon2 ee30a7           
maroon3 cd2990           
maroon4 8b1c62           
orchid da70d6           
orchid1 ff83fa           
orchid2 ee7ae9           
orchid3 cd69c9           
orchid4 8b4789           
plum dda0dd           
plum1 ffbbff           
plum2 eeaeee           
plum3 cd96cd           
plum4 8b668b           
purple a020f0           
purple1 9b30ff           
purple2 912cee           
purple3 7d26cd           
purple4 551a8b           
thistle d8bfd8           
thistle1 ffe1ff           
thistle2 eed2ee           
thistle3 cdb5cd           
thistle4 8b7b8b           
violet ee82ee           
antiqueWhite faebd7           
antiqueWhite1 ffefdb           
antiqueWhite2 eedfcc           
antiqueWhite3 cdc0b0           
antiqueWhite4 8b8378           
floralWhite fffaf0           
GhostWhite f8f8ff           
NavajoWhite ffdead           
NavajoWhite1 ffdead           
NavajoWhite2 eecfa1           
NavajoWhite3 cdb38b           
NavajoWhite4 8b795e           
OldLace fdf5e6           
WhiteSmoke f5f5f5           
gainsboro dcdcdc           
ivory fffff0           
ivory1 fffff0           
ivory2 eeeee0           
ivory3 cdcdc1           
ivory4 8b8b83           
linen faf0e6           
seashell fff5ee           
seashell1 fff5ee           
seashell2 eee5de           
seashell3 cdc5bf           
seashell4 8b8682           
snow fffafa           
snow1 fffafa           
snow2 eee9e9           
snow3 cdc9c9           
snow4 8b8989           
wheat f5deb3           
wheat1 ffe7ba           
wheat2 eed8ae           
wheat3 cdba96           
wheat4 8b7e66           
white ffffff           
blanchedalmond ffebcd           
darkGoldenrod b8860b           
darkGoldenrod1 ffb90f           
darkGoldenrod2 eead0e           
darkGoldenrod3 cd950c           
darkGoldenrod4 8b6508           
Lemonchiffon fffacd           
Lemonchiffon1 fffacd           
Lemonchiffon2 eee9bf           
Lemonchiffon3 cdc9a5           
Lemonchiffon4 8b8970           
LightGoldenrod eedd82           
LightGoldenrod1 ffec8b           
LightGoldenrod2 eedc82           
LightGoldenrod3 cdbe70           
LightGoldenrod4 8b814c           
LightGoldenrodYellow fafad2           
LightYellow ffffe0           
LightYellow1 ffffe0           
LightYellow2 eeeed1           
LightYellow3 cdcdb4           
LightYellow4 8b8b7a           
PaleGoldenrod eee8aa           
PapayaWhip ffefd5           
cornsilk fff8dc           
cornsilk1 fff8dc           
cornsilk2 eee8cd           
cornsilk3 cdc8b1           
cornsilk4 8b8878           
gold ffd700           
gold1 ffd700           
gold2 eec900           
gold3 cdad00           
gold4 8b7500           
goldenrod daa520           
goldenrod1 ffc125           
goldenrod2 eeb422           
goldenrod3 cd9b1d           
goldenrod4 8b6914           
moccasin ffe4b5           
yellow ffff00           
yellow1 ffff00           
yellow2 eeee00           
yellow3 cdcd00           
yellow4 8b8b00           
copper b87333           
gold cd7f32           
silver e6e8fa           


Jeu de caractères ASCII - ISO 8859-1 ( Latin - 1 ) - Ouest / Europe de l'ouest

Table de conversion

Hex. Num. Equivalent Browser character Char. Entity Reference Description
00-1F 00-31
20 &#32; Space
21 &#33; ! Exclamation mark
22 &#34; " &quot; Double quote
23 &#35; # Hash; 'pound sign'
24 &#36; $ Dollar sign
25 &#37; % Percent sign
26 &#38; & &amp; Ampersand
27 &#39; ' Apostrophe
28 &#40; ( Open bracket
29 &#41; ) Close bracket
2A &#42; * Asterix
2B &#43; + Plus sign
2C &#44; , Comma
2D &#45; - Minus sign
2E &#46; . Fullstop; period
2F &#47; / Slash; forward slash
30 &#48; 0
31 &#49; 1
32 &#50; 2
33 &#51; 3
34 &#52; 4
35 &#53; 5
36 &#54; 6
37 &#55; 7
38 &#56; 8
39 &#57; 9
3A &#58; : Colon
3B &#59; ; Semi-colon
3C &#60; < &lt; Less-than sign
3D &#61; = Equals
3E &#62; > &gt; Greater-than sign
3F &#63; ? Question mark
40 &#64; @ At sign; commercial at
41 &#65; A
42 &#66; B
43 &#67; C
44 &#68; D
45 &#69; E
46 &#70; F
47 &#71; G
48 &#72; H
49 &#73; I
4A &#74; J
4B &#75; K
4C &#76; L
4D &#77; M
4E &#78; N
4F &#79; O
50 &#80; P
51 &#81; Q
52 &#82; R
53 &#83; S
54 &#84; T
55 &#85; U
56 &#86; V
57 &#87; W
58 &#88; X
59 &#89; Y
5A &#90; Z
5B &#91; [ Open square bracket
5C &#92; \ Backslash
5D &#93; ] Close square bracket
5E &#94; ^ Caret
5F &#95; _ Underscore
60 &#96; ` Grave accent
61 &#97; a
62 &#98; b
63 &#99; c
64 &#100; d
65 &#101; e
66 &#102; f
67 &#103; g
68 &#104; h
69 &#105; i
6A &#106; j
6B &#107; k
6C &#108; l
6D &#109; m
6E &#110; n
6F &#111; o
70 &#112; p
71 &#113; q
72 &#114; r
73 &#115; s
74 &#116; t
75 &#117; u
76 &#118; v
77 &#119; w
78 &#120; x
79 &#121; y
7A &#122; z
7B &#123; { Left brace; left curly bracket
7C &#124; | Vertical bar
7D &#125; } Right brace; right curly bracket
7E &#126; ~ Tilde
7F-9F 127-159
A0 &#160;   &nbsp; Non-breaking space
A1 &#161; ¡ &iexcl; Inverted exclamation mark
A2 &#162; ¢ &cent; Cent sign
A3 &#163; £ &pound; Pound sign
A4 &#164; ¤ &curren; Currency sign
A5 &#165; ¥ &yen; Yen sign; yuan sign
A6 &#166; ¦ &brvbar; Broken bar; broken vertical bar
A7 &#167; § &sect; Section sign
A8 &#168; ¨ &uml; Diaeresis; spacing diaeresis
A9 &#169; © &copy; Copyright sign
AA &#170; ª &ordf; Feminine ordinal indicator
AB &#171; « &laquo; Left-pointing double angle quotation mark; left pointing guillemet
AC &#172; ¬ &not; Not sign
AD &#173; ­ &shy; Soft hyphen; discretionary hyphen
AE &#174; ® &reg; Registered sign; registered trade mark sign
AF &#175; ¯ &macr; Macron; spacing macron; overline; APL overbar
B0 &#176; ° &deg; Degree sign
B1 &#177; ± &plusmn; Plus-minus sign; plus-or-minus sign
B2 &#178; ² &sup2; Superscript two; superscript digit two; squared
B3 &#179; ³ &sup3; Superscript three; superscript digit three; cubed
B4 &#180; ´ &acute; Acute accent; spacing acute
B5 &#181; µ &micro; Micro sign
B6 &#182; &para; Pilcrow sign; paragraph sign
B7 &#183; · &middot; Middle dot; Georgian comma; Greek middle dot
B8 &#184; ¸ &cedil; Cedilla; spacing cedilla
B9 &#185; ¹ &sup1; Superscript one; superscript digit one
BA &#186; º &ordm; Masculine ordinal indicator
BB &#187; » &raquo; Right-pointing double angle quotation mark; right pointing guillemet
BC &#188; ¼ &frac14; Vulgar fraction one quarter; fraction one quarter
BD &#189; ½ &frac12; Vulgar fraction one half; fraction one half
BE &#190; ¾ &frac34; Vulgar fraction three quarters; fraction 3 quarters
BF &#191; ¿ &iquest; Inverted question mark; turned question mark
C0 &#192; À &Agrave; Latin capital letter A with grave; Latin capital letter A grave
C1 &#193; Á &Aacute; Latin capital letter A with acute
C2 &#194; Â &Acirc; Latin capital letter A with circumflex
C3 &#195; Ã &Atilde; Latin capital letter A with tilde
C4 &#196; Ä &Auml; Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
C5 &#197; Å &Aring; Latin capital letter A with ring above; Latin capital letter A ring
C6 &#198; Æ &AElig; Latin capital letter AE; Latin capital ligature AE
C7 &#199; Ç &Ccedil; Latin capital letter C with cedilla
C8 &#200; È &Egrave; Latin capital letter E with grave
C9 &#201; É &Eacute; Latin capital letter E with acute
CA &#202; Ê &Ecirc; Latin capital letter E with circumflex
CB &#203; Ë &Euml; Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
CC &#204; Ì &Igrave; Latin capital letter I with grave
CD &#205; Í &Iacute; Latin capital letter I with acute
CE &#206; Î &Icirc; Latin capital letter I with circumflex
CF &#207; Ï &Iuml; Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
D0 &#208; Ð &ETH; Latin capital letter ETH
D1 &#209; Ñ &Ntilde; Latin capital letter N with tilde
D2 &#210; Ò &Ograve; Latin capital letter O with grave
D3 &#211; Ó &Oacute; Latin capital letter O with acute
D4 &#212; Ô &Ocirc; Latin capital letter O with circumflex
D5 &#213; Õ &Otilde; Latin capital letter O with tilde
D6 &#214; Ö &Ouml; Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
D7 &#215; × &times; Multiplication sign
D8 &#216; Ø &Oslash; Latin capital letter O with stroke; Latin capital letter O slash
D9 &#217; Ù &Ugrave; Latin capital letter U with grave
DA &#218; Ú &Uacute; Latin capital letter U with acute
DB &#219; Û &Ucirc; Latin capital letter U with circumflex
DC &#220; Ü &Uuml; Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
DD &#221; Ý &Yacute; Latin capital letter Y with acute
DE &#222; Þ &THORN; Latin capital letter THORN
DF &#223; ß &szlig; Latin small letter sharp s; ess-zed
E0 &#224; à &agrave; Latin small letter a with grave; Latin small letter a grave
E1 &#225; á &aacute; Latin small letter a with acute
E2 &#226; â &acirc; Latin small letter a with circumflex
E3 &#227; ã &atilde; Latin small letter a with tilde
E4 &#228; ä &auml; Latin small letter a with diaeresis
E5 &#229; å &aring; Latin small letter a with ring above; Latin small letter a ring
E6 &#230; æ &aelig; Latin small letter ae; Latin small ligature ae
E7 &#231; ç &ccedil; Latin small letter c with cedilla
E8 &#232; è &egrave; Latin small letter e with grave
E9 &#233; é &eacute; Latin small letter e with acute
EA &#234; ê &ecirc; Latin small letter e with circumflex
EB &#235; ë &euml; Latin small letter e with diaeresis
EC &#236; ì &igrave; Latin small letter i with grave
ED &#237; í &iacute; Latin small letter i with acute
EE &#238; î &icirc; Latin small letter i with circumflex
EF &#239; ï &iuml; Latin small letter i with diaeresis
F0 &#240; ð &eth; Latin small letter eth
F1 &#241; ñ &ntilde; Latin small letter n with tilde
F2 &#242; ò &ograve; Latin small letter o with grave
F3 &#243; ó &oacute; Latin small letter o with acute
F4 &#244; ô &ocirc; Latin small letter o with circumflex
F5 &#245; õ &otilde; Latin small letter o with tilde
F6 &#246; ö &ouml; Latin small letter o with diaeresis
F7 &#247; ÷ &divide; Division sign
F8 &#248; ø &oslash; Latin small letter o with stroke; Latin small letter o slash
F9 &#249; ù &ugrave; Latin small letter u with grave
FA &#250; ú &uacute; Latin small letter u with acute
FB &#251; û &ucirc; Latin small letter u with circumflex
FC &#252; ü &uuml; Latin small letter u with diaeresis
FD &#253; ý &yacute; Latin small letter y with acute
FE &#254; þ &thorn; Latin small letter thorn
FF &#255; ÿ &yuml; Latin small letter y with diaeresis